Matt-Gibson headshot


Hospital Onset Bacteremia (HOB): Is Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Insertion A Source Of HOB?

December 12th | 1:00 PM CT

More Information

- Discuss possible effects of PIV infections as it relates to Hospital Onset Bacteremia and Fungemia
- Identify commonly accepted, but unacceptable contamination events
- Apply the aseptic non-touch technique to ultrasound-guided PIV catheter insertion
- Learn how ultrasound probes and gel are a large source of contamination
- Learn the various insertion techniques and technologies to prevent contamination

Matt Gibson is certified registered nurse infusion, vascular access board certified, and certified PICC ultrasound user. Matt is the CEO of Vascular Access Consulting LLC, as well as the current president and founder of the Kentucky Indiana Vascular Access Network. 

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